Monday, May 20, 2013

The end is near

Though the title contains a negative connotation, I am having mixed feelings about leaving. Of course, I want to go home, but this place has left so much of an impact on me. Personally, I still have exactly a month left here, whereas other people only have a week or two (one girl has left already!) I have enjoyed my experience here more than I would have ever expected and now have a different view of life. Not only do I want to travel more in China, I want to see the whole world.

Shanghai has so much uniqueness to it. It still shocks me how accustomed I have grown to be to the variety of architecture everywhere I look as well as being a white person in a country where everyone is Asian. The traditional Chinese pagodas mixed with European influenced buildings is so perfectly blended and allows for each one to shine through. In regards to being a minority, I don't think I will ever like being stared at how much I do here, but I think I would be able to get used to it if I lived here longer. 

I've been lucky enough to have found an ultimate frisbee league that plays every Monday night here in Shanghai. It's a great mix of people who all enjoy ultimate just as much as I do. They have taught me so much thus far and have even invited me to play in the Shanghai tournament June 1st weekend. I am so happy I have this opportunity and hope that the sport of ultimate frisbee continues to spread all over the world. 

My sister always asked me where I wanted to be buried just so that if something would happen, they would know what I would want, but I don't even know what I would want. I found out that in China, they bury their ancestors on mountains because there is a holiday that is called Tomb Sweeping Day (清明节) where they go home and go clean their ancestors graves off. After hearing about this day, I realized I had not seen a cemetery this whole time in China. I think it would be neat to be buried on a side of a mountain because then my family could climb the mountain to visit me while enjoying the beautiful scenery. Which mountain...I'm not sure yet. What do you guys think?!

With that being said, I hope you guys take some time to watch this video. I find it to be very inspirational and definitely worth your time!

Places I want to go (maybe since finals are coming up!):

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