Friday, August 22, 2014


With the death of a fellow member of the Marietta College Pio Nation, I only felt it was appropriate to write about Marietta today. I’ve been struggling with not going back there this year so much. It’s not because I am halfway across the world. It’s simply due to the fact that it is the first time in four years where I am not returning back to the beautiful, historical riverside city with all of my classmates.

I never saw this coming. My fear of missing out (FOMO) is off the charts this past week with more and more students arriving back on campus. Those four years at Marietta were truly the best four years of my life, just like my parents told me before I even started my journey there. I never realized how great college would be.

Not only was I immersed in a great learning environment, I was also fortunate enough to have such great friends in so many organizations. I would love to go back and just have one more day with all of these people who have impacted my life in more ways than I could have ever imagined.

But now that students are returning, I’m afraid of so many things. I’m afraid people will forget about me. I’m afraid that I will forget about all the good times. I’m afraid that Marietta will change because the people that I am used to being there are also leaving as more and more people graduate each semester. I’m afraid Marietta will never be the same.

Though some of those fears will more than likely happen, it’s something I need to learn to accept, and that’s what my focus is this week. The people that I bonded with the most will remember me and stay in contact, just like after high school. Change is bound to happen, but I have to remind myself that life goes on. Just because it is not exactly how I remember, people are still enjoying themselves there. I want them to have an amazing experience there like I did.

RIP Zane Carter. You will never be forgotten and will forever and always be a part of the Pio Nation.

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